Establishment of United Nations organisation

Establishment of U.N.O. | Objects of U.N.O | Principles of United nation organisation

Establishment of United Nations organisation -In the 20th century two World Wars of highly destructive nature were fought. After the first world war, the league of Nations was established. The main object of league of Nations was to establish and maintain world peace and security. The League of Nations failed in its mission. The second world war was the barometer of the failure of League of Nations.

The large scale destructive effects of the second world war forced the nations of the world once again to establish some institution of international statute which can solve peacefully the disputes among them and establish peace and security word over. The efforts had begun by the big nations during the second world war itself. Because of their acute efforts. On 26 January, 1945 at Sanfransisco, 51 nation signed the charter of U.N.O. and after the required ratification by different nations, buttressed to the establishment of U.N.O. on 24th October, 1945. After this the membership of the U.N.O. increased substantially and now it stands at 192.

Objects of U.N.O

The purposes for which the U.N.O has been established or laid down in article 1 of the charter. They are as follows –

  1. To maintain international peace and security – The primary purpose of the United Nations shall be to maintain the international peace and security. In the preamble of the charter, it is resolved to save the succeeding generations from the scourge of war and be united to achieve these ends. In order to achieve these purposes, the organisation shall prevent and remove threat to the peace breach of the peace and acts of aggression by taking effective collective measures. The international problems were to be solved by peaceful means under the international law norms and canons of justice, has also been provided in the Preamble.
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations– It was thought essential to develop friendly relations among nations. The friendship should prosper on the basis of respect for the norms of equal rights and equality in self determination of people. This aim, and engaging of other measures for strengthening universal peace has therefore been made a purpose of the United Nations.
  3. For removal of social, economic, cultural and human problem, soliciting of international co-operation – In the preamble of the charter, it has been resolved to energise, the international machinery for the development of economic and social status of the people. Again, a belief is to be developed in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for, fundamental freedoms, for all without distinction to race, sex, language or religion, inculcating co-operation amongst the nations.
  4. To make the United Nations an international Centre for harmonisation – For the progress of above general purposes, the U.N.O. has to be made a centre for co-ordination of activities executed by different nations in this regard to avoid clashes in choosing priority, the U.N.O. Is to harmonise the different activities of different nations to achieve the main purpose.

Principles of United nation organisation

  1. Principle of sovereign equality – All the members of the U.N.O. are equal irrespective of their size and recources. It is called principle of ‘sovereign equality’, and is a principle of international law. According to law, every member is equal and no discrimination in dealings with them is permitted.
  2. Principle of honouring of obligations– As a result of membership of the U.N.O. the members enjoy certain rights and benefits to maintain this the members are required to fulfil in good faith the obligations assured by them in accordance with the charter.
  3. All nations shall settle their disputes through the principles of peaceful settlement – International disputes are to be settled by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice of any region is not endangered.
  4. The principles of non-use of force -All the members in their international relations shall refrain from the use of force or threat of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner not consistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
  5. The principle of assistance to the United Nations -All the members shall support and assist the U.N. in any action against any state in accordance with the charter and shall not help any such state against which the U.N. is taking preventive and enforcement action.
  6. Principle for the non-member states- It is provided in article 2 Para 6 that organisation shall insure that states which are not members of the United Nations, act in accordance with these principles so far as may be necessary to maintain international peace and security.
  7. Principle of non-interference in domestic affairs of a state– article 2 para 7 provides that the United nation shall not intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or compel any member to submit such matters for settlement by the United Nations. But this general principle will not be applicable if the U.N. is taking enforcement measures as provided in chapter VII of the charter.


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