Composition, Principle Committee, power and function of General assembly

Discuss the composition and functions of United Nations general assembly?

Composition of General assembly at the UN0

According to the charter of the UNO General assembly is one of them 6 main organs of the UNO. The General assembly is the most representative body as in it all the member states have their representatives. Every member State can send upto 5 members of its state to the General assembly. It is a big body having the re-presentation of all the members upto 5 in number hence to carry on its functions efficiently certain committees are constituted to carry on the assigned task efficiently.

Main Committee of the General Assembly

  1. Principle committees – The principal committee considers the agenda as proposed to be discussed by the General assembly. It prepares suggestions etc. also for the general assembly, every member has a right of representation in the principal committee.

The following are the principal committees of the General Assembly—

  1. Political and security committee, including the regulations of armaments. The special political committee shares its work.
  2. Economic and financial committee.
  3. Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee,
  4. Trusteeship Committee including Non-self-government Territories committee.
  5. Legal committee.

over and above these main committees, the following committees look after procedural and other matters—

I. Procedural committee

II. Standing committee

III. Ad hoc committee

Procedure — The annual session of the General assembly can be called by the Secretary General of the UN0 or on the request of the majority of the members states. It can be convened (article 20). The General Assembly prescribes its own rules for its functioning (Article 21). The General assembly has got a right to establish subsidiary organs to accomplish accomplish its function efficiently. The function of the General assembly commences with the discussion on the report of the secretary general.

Voting right –– According to article 18 of the charter, every member State has a right to cast one vote. The important issues are decided by the member’s majority of 2/3 voting in the general assembly.

Functions and powers of the General Assembly

Following are functions and powers of General Assembly :

  1. Deliberative functions – Deliberative functions of the General Assembly, denote such functions under which it discusses different issues placed before it, it studies such issues and prepares its report on such issues.

a. Article 10 provides that General assembly can discuss any issue of UNO under the charter of the UNO or relating to functions and powers of any organ of the UNO.

b. The General assembly to maintain international peace and security can discuss on the issues of disarmament or regulation of armament. After discussion, the General assembly may make recommendations on these questions and matters to the member states or to the Security Council or to both.

c. The General Assembly may attract the attention of the security council on such situations and circumstances which are likely to endanger the international peace and security.

d. The General Assembly on those problems and situations which may endanger the mutual friendly relations or general welfare of the member states, for their peaceful settlement and solution may recommend proper means.

2. Supervisory functions — Supervisory functions refer to those functions of the General Assembly by which it keeps control and regulation over the other organs and special agencies of the UNO, particularly on Economic and Social Council together with trusteeship Council.

3. Financial functions –– The General assembly performs important financial functions. Under article 17, General assembly deliberates on the budget of the UNO and passes it. It also allocates on the member states. The financial responsibility for contribution to the expenditures of the UNO. The member states contribute to the UNO that amount which the General assembly fixes. General assembly considers and approves the budgets and financial management of the special agencies.

4. Elective functions —The General assembly of the UNO performs two types of elective functions—

I. For admittance of new states for membership of the UNO.

II. For member’s selection of other organs of the UNO.

In reality, the new members are selected by the General assembly through election. When on the application of new its state security, new state security council gives its consent, then General Assembly by 2/3 votes elects a new member for the membership of the UNO.

5. Constitutional functions— General assembly performs some constitutional functions also. In case of amendment of the charter, the General assembly is required to pass this amendment by 2/3 majority after it has been passed by the 2/3 majority, including five permanent members, positive votes of the Security Council. It has to be ratified by the legislature of the five permanent members countries also.


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