What is world health organisation ?

World Health Organisation —

According to Professor goodspeed, world health organisation is a typical agency of the specialised agencies with multipurpose functions and well defined objectives. For the establishment of world health organisation an international health conference was called in 1946, at NewYork by economic and social Council of the United Nations, in which 64 State representatives participated. The Constitution of the world health organisation was adopted on 22 July, 1946. In July 1948, this organisation was associated with United Nations through a special agreement and finally from 1 September, 1948. This organisation began to function on a permanent basis.

Objects and Functions —

The main object of the WHO is to attain as for as possible highest its standard of health to all the people. World over health means not simply the absence of illness or weakness, but where a complete bodily mentally and socially position of well-being exist to achieve this purpose. It performs many functions.

Composition —

The membership of world health organisation is open to all states which are prepared to accept its Constitution. Besides the sovereign states other entities when are not states can also become its member. At present 179 states are its member.

This organisation has its main three wings —

  1. Assembly — In this all the member states are represented. Its conference is convened every year and every member has a right of one vote. Every member can send three representatives. It formulates the general policy and passes the budget of the organisation.
  2. Executive board — It is a technical and non-political organ of the institution. It has 24 members who are technically highly qualified in the field of health and are selected by the assembly. The conference of this organ is convened twice in a year and the decisions taken by the assembly are implemented by it.
  3. Secretariat — The head of the Secretariat is called Director general who is appointed by the assembly. He is the principal, administrative and technical officer of the organisation.

The world health organisation in attaining the highest standard of health and banning the diseases of the people has done a commendable job world over.


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