What is Green house effect

What is Green house effect ?

What is Green house effect – Greenhouse effect refers to the gradual warming of the earth’s atmosphere due to the presence of the molecules of green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFC’s, water vapour etc.

What is Green house effect

Greenhouse gas is the gas in the atmosphere, which like a glass in a greenhouse, traps part of earth’s heat and produces a warming effect (carbon die oxide produces 50%, CFC 2.5% ).

The greenhouse gases are emitted from millions of smoke stacks motor vehicle, waste dumps and other sources. A familiar example of the greenhouse effect can be seen when one marks one’s car in the parking lot on a hot summer day with closed windows and on return finds it hot as even.

This rapid warm up of the car is due to greenhouse effect. The sun’s radiant energy passes through the car’s windows and some of the energy is converted into heat or infra- red radiation. Molecules of greenhouse gases behave very much like the glass in car windows or in a greenhouse. In a sense, the greenhouse gases from a glass window over the earth. They trap heat that otherwise would escape from the earth’s surface into outer space.

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