Bailable & Non bailable offence under Indian penal code


Bailable & Non bailable offence under

Indian penal code



Section Offence Bailable/Non -bailable Punishment
107 Abetment Depends on the offence Depends on the offence
120B Criminal conspiracy to commit an offence punishable with death Depends on the offence. E.g. for Punishment for murder, Non-bailable Depends on the offence
121 Waging or attempting to wage war, or abetting the waging of war, against the Government of India Non-bailable Imprisonment for life or imprisonment upto 10 years along  with fine
124A Sedition. Non-bailable Imprisonment for life and fine orImprisonment for 3 years and fine or fine.
131 Abetting mutiny or attempting to seduce a soldier, sailor or airman Non-bailable Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
140 Wearing soldier’s garb, sailor, airman Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months along with 500
144 Punishment for unlawful assembly Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months with fine
154 Owner or occupier of land on which unlawful assembly is held Bailable INR 1000 fine
158 Being hired to be part of unlawful assembly or riot Bailable Imprisonment for  6 months up to 2 yrs along with fine
166A Public servant disobeying direction under law Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months up to 2 yrs
167 Public servant framing incorrect document Bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
172 Absconding to avoid service of summons Non bailable Imprisonment for 1 month  or fine INR 1000
177 Furnishing false information Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months and fine INR, 1000
181 False statement on oath to public servants Bailable Imprisonment for 3 years along with fine
186 Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months and fine of INR 500
189 Threat of injury to public servant Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years along with fine
191 Giving false evidence Bailable Imprisonment for seven years along with fine
195A Threatening any person to give false evidence Bailable Imprisonment for seven years along with fine
203 Giving false information respecting an offence Bailable Imprisonment for two years along with fine
210 Fraudulently making false claim in court Bailable Imprisonment for two years along with fine
213 Taking gift, to screen an offender from punishment Bailable Imprisonment for three to seven  years  along with fine
223 Escape from confinement or custody negligently suffered by public servant Bailable Imprisonment for two years along with fine
228 Intentionally insult or interruption to public servant sitting in judicial proceeding Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months along with fine of INR 1000
232 Counterfeiting Indian coin Non bailable Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
238 Import or export of counterfeiting Indian coin Non bailable Imprisonment for life or 10 years with fine
246 Fraudulently diminishing weight of coin Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years with fine
255 Counterfeiting of government stamp Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years with fine
264 Fraudulent use or false instrument for weighing Bailable Imprisonment for 1 year with fine
269 Negligent act likely to spread infectious disease dangerous to life Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine
272 Adulteration for food or drink intended for sale Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months with fine of INR 1000
274 Adulteration of drug Non bailable Imprisonment for 6 months with fine of INR 1000
275 Sale of adulterated drug Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine of INR 1000
279 Rash driving or riding on a public way Bailable Imprisonment for 6 months  with fine of INR 1000
283 Danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation Bailable INR 200
292 Sale of obscene book Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years with fine of INR 2000
295 Injuring places of worship with an intent to insult the religion of any class nb Imprisonment for 2 years with fine.
295A Deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings of any class, by insulting religious beliefs. Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years with fine.
297 Trespassing on burial places Bailable Imprisonment for 1 years with fine.
302 Punishment for murder Non bailable Imprisonment for life term or capital punishment
304 Punishment for Culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Non bailable Imprisonment for 10 years with fine
304A Punishment for  causing death by negligence Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years.
304B Dowry death Non bailable Imprisonment for 7 years up to life term.
306 Abetment of suicide Non bailable Imprisonment for 10 years with fine.
307 Attempt to murder Non bailable Imprisonment for 10 years with fine.
308 Attempt to commit culpable homicide Non bailable Imprisonment for 3-7 years with fine.
309 Attempt to commit suicide Bailable Imprisonment for 1 year or  with fine.
318 Concealment of birth by secret disposal of body Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years with fine.
323 Causing hurt Bailable Imprisonment for 1 years with fine.
349 Using force Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months or with fine of INR 500
354D Stalking Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months or  with fine.
363 Punishment for Kidnapping Bailable Imprisonment for 7 months or  with fine
369 Abduction of child under 10 Non bailable Imprisonment for 7 months or with fine
370 Trafficking of person Non bailable Imprisonment for 7-10  years or with fine
376 Punishment for  Rape Non bailable Rigorous imprisonment for life or not less than 7 years
376D Gang rape Non bailable Imprisonment for 20 years which may extend till  life
377 Unnatural offence Non bailable Imprisonment for 10 years which may extend till life
379 Punishment for  Theft Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
384 Punishment for  Extortion Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years
392 Punishment for   Robbery Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
395 Punishment for  Dacoity Non bailable Imprisonment for 10 years and fine
406 Punishment for  Criminal breach of trust Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
411 Dishonestly receiving Stolen property Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
417 Punishment for  Cheating Bailable Imprisonment for 1 years and fine
420 Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property Non bailable Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
426 Punishment for  Mischief Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months
447 Punishment for Criminal trespass Bailable Imprisonment for 3 months and fine of INR 500
465 Forgery Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
477A Falsification of accounts Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
489A Counterfeiting currency notes or banknotes Non bailable Imprisonment for life and fine
489C Possession of forged currency notes or banknotes Bailable Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
494 Marrying again during lifetime of husband or wife Bailable Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
496 Marriage ceremony fraudulently gone through without lawful marriage Bailable Imprisonment for 7 years and fine
498 Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
498A Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty Non bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
500 Punishment for Defamation Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years and fine
506 Criminal intimidation Bailable Imprisonment for 2 years for simple offence and 7 years  if threat is to cause death or grievous hurt
509 Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman Bailable Imprisonment for 3 years and fine
510 Misconduct in public by drunken person Bailable Imprisonment for 24 hours  and fine of INR 10


Contract and Essential Elements

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